Saturday, October 16, 2010

Human Behavior

Behavior based on the accumulation of many theories and flow
From the description of human conception by some strands of psychology in general it can be concluded that the behavior or activities that exist in human beings (individuals / organisms) does not arise by itself but a result of the stimulus (stimulus) that received the organism in question either external stimuli or internal stimuli . But the largest percentage of human behavior is influenced by factors external stimulus. Therefore the relationship between stimulus, and behavior of organisms in the form of response is formulated in the form of SOR (stimulus-organism-response). This means that the organism responds to participate actively take part. Another opinion in formulating the relationship between stimulus and response submitted by Kurt Lewin in the form B = f (E, O) or Behavior, function, Environment, Organisms. In this formulation, explained that the behavior is influenced by the environment and the organism concerned. While Bandura formulated in the form of the following behavior:

B: Behavior, E: Environment and P: Person. Formulation Bandura explains that behavior, environment and individual or interconnected interaction with each other and even influence each other. This means that individuals can affect the individual.

Behavior Type
Skinner distinguishes behavior into two parts:
a. natural behavior (innate behavior) is an inborn behavior in the form of reflexes and instincts. Examples of this behavior are: reflexes or spontaneous movement when exposed to heat of fire arms, eye blink when taxable strong light. This behavior is driven automatically without going through the central nervous system. So respond will arise automatically once every exposed stimulus.
b. operant behavior (operant behavior) is a behavior that is formed through a process of learning. Behavior of this type are controlled by nerve centers of the brain or consciousness. In this regard after the stimulus is received, then proceed to the brain. Behavior of this type is more dominant than a natural behavior.

Formation behavior
a. The formation behavior through conditioning (habit)
Behavior can be formed through familiarize themselves with to behave as expected.
For example, wake up, brush teeth etc. dans
b. The formation behavior with understanding (insight)
This behavior is shaped by cognitive learning along with the understanding
c. Formation behavior model
Behavior that is formed by using an example or model. Formation of behavior here by way of social learning theory (social learning theory) Suppose a child behaves generally imitate their parents.

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