Sunday, October 17, 2010

Psychology Of Communication Intrapersonal

Interpret the context of science communication interpersonal communication as the communication process that occurs within the individual or the communication with oneself while interpersonal communication is the psychology of information processing that occurs in human beings. The process begins from the receipt of information, processing, storage and produce again.
The occurrence of intrapersonal communication process is generally because a person gives meaning to an object being observed. Objects that are experiencing growth observed in human beings, produce an output (response).

Elements of Intrapersonal Communication.
1. Sensation (Sensing)
Since human beings are born and in touch with the outside world the moment he received the stimulus / stimuli from the outside in addition to stimuli from within him. He began to feel cold, hot, hungry, sick and so forth. Humans know the outside world or the stimuli through the senses tool. Sensation is the acceptance of everything that hit organism (stimulus / stimuli) through a sense organ. On sensation / sensory stimulus elements still have not broken down in one unit. (See social psychology lecture course material to 2)
The terms of the sensation as follows:
a. The existence of the observed object or stimulus strength
The object of sensory stimuli cause (receptors) that resulted in a sensation. To be accepted by the senses needed stimulus strength is called the absolute threshold (absolute threshold).
b. Certainty sensory organs (receptors) are quite good and the nerve (sensory) is good as a successor to the center of the brain (consciousness) to generate response
c. Experience and cultural environment. And cultural experiences affect the capacity of sensory organs that affect sensation.
2. Perception / observation (perception)
Perception / recognition (psychology), the organisms interpret and organize sensation to generate a meaningful experience. When the sensations are generally immediate, relatively not process sensory stimuli associated with the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, or skin. Perception is more elaborate one's experience and typically involves further processing of the input related to mood. In practice, sensation and perception were inseparable, for they become part of an ongoing process.
Human sensory organs translate physical energy from the environment into electrical movement processed by the brain. For example, the electromagnetic light that highlights the eye causing cells that activate receptors in the eye and send signals to the brain. But the man has never understood this cue. The process of making human perception to interpret all the objects, events, people, and situations.
Without the ability to organize and interpret sensations, life would be chaotic and meaningless. Humans have never met with so-called color, shape, and sound. Someone without a perceptual abilities will not be able to recognize faces, understand language, or avoid the threat. People like that will not survive.

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