Friday, October 1, 2010

Uncertainty Reduction Theory (Based on the Research of Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese)

Uncertainty reduction theory was pioneered by Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese in 1975. The aim is to explain how communication is used to reduce uncertainty among foreign people involved in conversations with each other for the first time.
The latest version suggests that there are two types of uncertainty from the beginning of the experiment: cognitive and behavioral. Cognitive refers to the beliefs and attitudes that we and others have adopted, the level of uncertainty associated with these beliefs and attitudes. Uncertainty on the other hand the behavior is "" ... limits to which the behavior can be predicted in a given situation.
Berger and Calabrese argued that the reduction of uncertainty has both a proactive and reproactive process. Proactive reduction of uncertainty occurs when a person thinks about communication choices before actually doing it with others. Reduction of uncertainty reproactive business in itself about what is said and done and her own reaction is part of the process reproactive.
In addition to Berger and Calabrese stated that the uncertainties associated with the seven other concepts rooted in the communication and relationship development: verbal output, nonverbal warmth, information search, opening themselves, opening themselves reciprocity, equality and joy. Cooperate with each other concepts so that participants can reduce some of their uncertainty.

Assumption of uncertainty reduction theory
1. People experiencing the uncertainty in the setting of interpersonal
2. Uncertainty is an unpleasant situation, cognitively stressful.
Three. When strangers meet, their primary concern is to reduce uncertainty or improve their predictability.
4. Interpersonal communication is a developmental process that occurs through the stages.
5. Interpersonal communication is the main tool for reducing uncertainty.
6. The quantity and nature of the information shared by the people will change over time.
7. It is perfectly possible to predict the behavior of people using the legal way.

Uncertainty reduction theory
Axiom 1
Given the high degree of uncertainty that at the beginning of the early phase, when the amount of verbal communication between two strangers increased, the level of uncertainty for each participant in a relationship will decline. If declined, verbal communication increases. It declared an inverse or negative relationship between uncertainty and verbal communication.
Axiom 2:
When the expression of affiliate nonverbal increased, decreased level of uncertainty in initial interaction situations. Besides decreasing the level of uncertainty would lead to increased levels of affiliate nonverbal expressiveness.
Axiom 3:
High levels of uncertainty result in increased information search behavior. If declined, the level of information search also declined. This shows the positive relationship the two relationships.
Axiom 4:
High level of uncertainty in a relationship expressed Tertiary intimacy of communication. Low levels of uncertainty produce high levels of intimacy. This shows a negative relationship between uncertainty and the intimacy.
Axiom 5:
High levels of uncertainty produce high levels of resipriotas, and otherwise. Occurs a positive relationship.
Axiom 6:
The similarities between people would reduce uncertainty, or otherwise. said that a positive relationship.
Axiom 7:
Increasing the level of uncertainty will result in a decrease in preference, or otherwise. Shown a negative relationship.
Axiom 8:
The uncertainty is negatively associated with interaction in social networks. More and more social relations then the less uncertainty.
Axiom 9:
There is an inverse relationship between uncertainty with communication satisfaction.

In attempting to reduce uncertainty of what is done is
1. passive strategy in which one takes the role of observers who do not bother other people.
2. active strategy arises when an observer make a business directly attributable to know about the others.
Three. interactive strategy occurs when the observer and the observed person directly concerned.

Reference uncertainty reduction theory:
Turner, L.H., & West, R. L. 2008. Pengantar Teori Komunikasi: Analisis dan Aplikasi. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika.

4 komentar:

Menuju Sukses said...

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Haven Nice day all

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Jhe said...

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Have a nice day to you all..

Anonymous said...

Your background music spoils your blog. Pfft!

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