Monday, October 18, 2010

Principles of Perceptual Organization

Principles of Perceptual Organization
Organize stimuli associated with the feelings into a meaningful experience that will involve observation, a set of mental activity that involves thinking, knowledge, and memory. Knowledge and experience are important in perception, because both will help organisms sense of a stimulus.

The process of perception
There are 3 steps in the process of perception which can be described in the following forms:
1. The first stage of the process of perception is the stimulation of sensory organs (sensory stimulation), is a stage when people are aware of the stimuli on the senses. But sometimes people are not always aware of sensory stimuli that come because humans have a choice of any stimulus that comes
2. The second phase is called the sensory stimuli to the tool set: is the process of perceptual organization in a number of principles that include:
a. Legal closeness (proximity)
Objects close to each other, and increasingly visible as mentally will be grouped in one piece. The illustration below shows the human will tend to classify the field of unity to the field to two from the left as a pair, while the second and third fields do not attach. Why not put together because the second box and third box is further away.
b. Equality Law (similarity)
Human perception tends to unify parts of the visual field that are similar or the same whether in the form of color, texture, shape, or other forms. In the following illustration humans tend to see the color blue as a single line rather than seeing these dots in the form of row column
c. Sustainability Law (Continuity)
This principle guides the humans to see one line of lead in the form instead of a regular and irregular shapes.
d. Legal Termination (closure)
This principle suggests that humans tend to complement / improve an imperfect form in one piece. As in the picture below, our mentally cover the gap between the lines and concluded as a picture of a duck. This tendency leads people receive a full object from the form is not perfect.
e. General customary law (common fate).
This principle directs man to unify a group of objects that move in the same direction. In the illustration below three balls move in one direction, and two balls moving in the opposite direction. Mentally people will perceive all the balls move in the same direction.
f. Law of Simplicity (simplicity)
It is a principle that shows intuitively like a human being who is simple and balanced. For example in the illustration on the right, we can interpret the image in some possibility that as the three discs that overlap each other, or as a single disc sandwiched between two discs that have the incision on the right side, or as three-dimensional cylindrical objects.
3. The third phase is interpreted sensory stimulation tool-evaluated
It is a process of subjectivity in human beings in the sense of a stimulus. In a second process of interpretation of human conduct which is then followed by an evaluation of the interpretation of these actions. Interpretation-evaluation process is influenced by the experiences, needs, desires, value systems, beliefs and emotions at the moment of perceiving.

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