Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Affek and Steming (Mood)

Affek and Steming (mood)
Affek a psychic event that can be interpreted as a sense of great tension and strong that arise suddenly in a short time, is not realized and is accompanied by physical symptoms that great anyway. As a result of personal affek infestation was not familiar with or do not realize the longer something done, for example: fear, anger, disgust, hatred revenge blast, love, lust and so on
While stemming is the mood that lasted a bit longer, more peaceful, more sustainable and is characterized by feelings of like or dislike and accepted as a conscious state.

Sympathy and Empathy
It is a mood which relate to other people. Sympathy is a feeling of attraction toward others that is the tendency to participate and feel everything that is being felt by others because of the attraction towards the other person (feeling with another person). Sympathy may arise because of the ideals of equality, the same suffering and so forth. While feelings of hatred towards others is referred to as the antipathy and sympathy in the form of symptoms similar to unwarranted actions, something that is logical.
Empathy is the tendency to feel something other person if he's done in the situations of others. The factors that caused it because it is driven by emotion that seems to be part of what is perceived by others (feeling into a person thing)

Some Theory of Emotion
What is the relationship between emotion with physical symptoms, namely whether the emotions that cause physical symptoms that cause emotions. Of this there is an opinion contrary to other opinions. These opinions are often known by the theories of emotion, namely:
1. The central theory
According to this theory or opinion is the result of physical symptoms of emotion experienced by the individual, so individuals experience emotions first and then experienced changes in the physical. Because of that theory or opinion is known as a central theory, put forward by Cannon. So based on this theory can be argued that physical symptoms are the result of emotions experienced by the individual.
2. Perifir theory
According to an opinion or theory is just the opposite. Physical symptoms are not the result of emotions experienced by individuals, but rather the emotions experienced by individuals is the result of physical symptoms. According to this theory people do not cry because it is difficult, but otherwise he was difficult because of crying. This theory was put forward by James, who at the same time also put forward by Lange. Therefore, this theory is often known as James-Lange theory of emotion, which are often called the paradox of James. While experts conduct experiments to test the extent to which the truth of James-Lange theory, among others Sherrington and Cannon, which generally indicates that what was raised by James is not right. James-Lange theory is more focused on things that are perifir than the central character. (Woodworth & Marquis, 1957)
3. Personality theory
opinion or theory is that emotion is a personal activity, where this person can not be split apart in the physical and psychic as a separate substance. Therefore, the emotion involves the physical changes such as what was raised by J. Linchoten.

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