Friday, October 29, 2010

Barriers In Communication Verbal (Language)

Communications may be stuck or encounter obstacles at any point in the process of sending a message. There are 7 barriers to interpersonal communication that is often referred to as "cognitive distortions" (Burns, 1980). Obstacles can arise in interpersonal communication, group or public. 7 Verbal Communication Barriers are:

a. Polarization: tendency to see the world in the form opposite and elaborate in the extreme form. Humans tend to look his interlocutor in an extreme point condition. Humans will look at his interlocutor whether good or bad, friend or foe. Humans never see the man from the other possibilities such as friend or foe other than perhaps the others are "neutral"

b. Intentional Orientation: tendency to view people, objects and events in accordance with the characteristics inherent in them (the label). If the man in the association has given the picture that they are talking with is "people who do not pull" then he will tend to perceive his interlocutors do not always interesting, although he has not talked at all. This means that human beings tend to view others through the filter information has been obtained previously. Intentional orientation is a behavior that only looked at people from the label inherent in him and not man as a personal self.

c. Erroneous conclusion of fact: Fallacy is also known as pragmatic implications. On submission of the human language or words can do two ways: descriptive statement or inferential statement. Descriptive statement such as "he is wearing a blue shirt" blue shirt can be seen and described significantly. While the inferential statement (conclusion), eg "he looked with malice". The hatred here is difficult to describe in a clear and real. Clearer example again with the story below:
A woman was walking in a mall, by accident he met with his old friend who was 10 years old reportedly unknown. The woman's holding a boy. After talking to the woman asks "Is this your son?" His friend replied "yes, I got married six years ago." Women were then asked the boy "what's your name, son?". The boy replied: "same as the name of the father". "Oh, then your name is Peter," said the woman.
From the story above we may conclude that the earlier a female friend female friends when in fact she'd go round male sex. So basically people are often erroneously concluded that the fact both physical and messages conveyed by his interlocutor.

d. Cut Compass (by passing): the evaluation of error patterns in which people fail to communicate the meaning of what they mean. This occurs when the sender and the recipient misinterpreting each other's eating them. Cut compasses can have two forms, namely: (1) The use of different words but mean the same and (2) Use the same words but different meanings.
In the example of the use of different words but mean the same are as follows:
A: I want our relationship lasting not for a moment (meaning she wants her lover to be the only one who loved)
B: I'm not ready (married), let our relationship like this (meaning just want to be associated with A only)

While in example 2 is as follows:
A: I do not really believe in religion (meaning, do not believe in God)
B: I also (meaning, do not believe in religion but believes in God)

e. Artificiality: is the human inability to know and say everything. This means that humans have limited capabilities that may not convey the facts, phenomena and the meaning in clear, detailed and rigid. Human ability is very limited, as the proverbial blind men describing an elephant was told, when holding its trunk so he would say an elephant like a snake and so on. Humans have never seen anything as a whole or experienced in full. Humans only see a part but overall he concludes.

f. Evaluation of static: error in abstracting something or someone is static, whereas something and someone who is very abstraction may change. It is common and normal when all things changed, but the question of whether human actions and behavior of a phenomenon or humans show that they know these changes through other words, do human beings act in accordance with the rhythm of change and not just accept it.

g. Indiscriminate: human inability to see the phenomenon as something that is unique or special and need to be observed individually. Everything in nature is not all Naturalife Greenworld the exact same thing in common. All things are unique and different from the others. Even so to facilitate the classification of something then do the categorization of human-specific categorization based on similarities and specific features. Categorization was causing people to forget the uniqueness of each person, thing or event. Indiscriminate occurred when humans are not able to see that each is unique and special and need to be observed individually. This error is often referred to as the stereotype of mental images that persist about a particular group of people that are considered applicable to every member of that group without regard to the uniqueness of each person concerned.

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